Our Cyber Security Lab will include vulnerable application which will cover cyber security domains such as web application penetration testing with OWASP TOP-10 (Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilties) to get hands-on inclined to practicals and beyond for the students to explore.
The Lab will give the students opportunity to explore industrial Manual Approach, Semi-Automated and Automated tools to find vulnerabilities in any application given to them. The vulnerable applications will contain variety of vulnerabilities which can be seen in the today’s technology deployed by majority of Industry for their IT needs.
Our labs does not only cover web applications, but also will cover network based scenarios. The students will get to learn about how services running on the server will are exploited and used by hackers. The Labs wil contain comprehensive vulnerabilities to work upon and will some challenges will require extra and creative efforts to complete the challenge.
Trainings provided to will contain a brief overview on each topic. These training will include brainstorming and will encourage them to explore the cyber security industry.
See what our
trainees are saying!
Will definetly have more sessions!
Session was helpful, enjoyable and fun!"
Most awaited session!
Patient and Satisfacory mentor
Well interactive session, humble mentor
Got most pleasing answeres!
Will definetly have more sessions!
Session was helpful, enjoyable and fun!
Most awaited session!
Patient and Satisfacory mentor
Well interactive session, humble mentor
Got most pleasing answeres!
Will definetly have more sessions!
Session was helpful, enjoyable and fun!"